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  • GL4SⅢ-Premuim CNC cylindrical grinder
    ■ Stable dimensional change from initial workpiece -thermal displacement minimizing structure. ■ JTEKT's overhaul engineering and low vibration technology achieve high quality grinding. ■ Equipped with a coolant unit for high accuracy grinding parts. *optional specification.
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    Including all high-precision technology.

    ■ Stable dimensional change from initial workpiece -thermal displacement minimizing structure.
     · Thermal displacement is suppressed by cooling heating components such as the wheelhead, workhead and motor.
     · Compe꧟nsation is unnecessary due to stable dimensional change from coജld start.

    ■ JTEKT's overhaul engineering and low vibration technology achieve high quality grinding.
     · Achieve high accuracy and low vibration rotation by balancing motor parts.
       Thi🎀s can reduce wheelhead vibration by 70% and achieve a high quality surf💎ace grinding (mirror grinding).

    ■ Equipped with a coolant unit for high accuracy grinding parts. *optional specification.
     · Clean coolant is supplied to the machine and able to remove tiny abrasive dust which is hard to be removed by now.
     🌌;· Clean coolant enables high accuracy grinding of parts (surface grinding).

      GL4A-SⅢ GL4P-SⅢ
    Distance between centers(mm) 500[1,000][1500]
    Max. grinding diameter(mm) φ300
    Grinding wheel O.D.(mm) φ405
    Wheel surface speed(m/s) 30
    [ ] shows optional specifications.

  • GL5Pi/GL5Ai CNC pro🌌duction type cylindrical grinders
    ■ Long-term grinding accuracy ■ High productivity ■ Reassuring operation
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    Optimum cylindrical grinder for production with high accuracy and high productivity.

    ■ Long-term grinding accuracy
     · High rigidity and low vibration bed.
     · Features the TOYODA STAT BEARING.
     · Reduce thermal displacement.

    ■ High productivity
     · Abundant variation. Abundant grinding cycles.
     · All-step grinding without driving dog. (Option)
     · Improved productivity by equiping CB🌊N wheel. (Option)

    ■ Reassuring operation
     · Improved reliability with TOYOPUC-GC70.
     &miꦓddot; High accuracy filtering coolant unit. (Option)

      GL5Pi GL5Ai
    Distance between centers(mm) 250[320][630]
    Max. grinding diameter(mm) φ220
    Grinding wheel O.D.(mm) Normal φ510[φ610]
    CBN φ350 φ370
    Wheel surface speed(m/s) 45[60,80]
    [ ] shows optional specifications.

  • SELECTG7 large cylindrical grinder
    ■ Features the TOYODA STAT BEARING. ■ One machine can work as the equivalent of two both with straight & angular machining. ■ Wide width and high performance grinding with a high rigidity wheel spindle.
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    Offering the ultimate package for workpieces.

    ■ Features the TOYODA STAT BEARING. ■ One machine can work as the equivalent of two both with straight & angular machining. ■ Wide width and high performance grinding with a high rigidity wheel spindle.
    Distance between centers(mm) 1,000/2,500/3,200 4,000
    Max. grinding diameter(mm) φ650  
    Grinding wheel O.D.(mm) φ760[φ915/φ1,065※]
    Wheel surface speed(m/s) 30[45]
    Weight between centers(kg) 1,500 3,000
    [ ] shows optional specifications.
    ※ shows CBN wheel specifications.

  • GE6-Ⅱlarge cylindrical grinder
    ■ Features the TOYODA STAT BEARING. ■ Features a highly accurate, low vibration bed with an X-shape rib structure. ■ Abundant range of options for large-sized workpieces processing.
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    Ideal intuitive operation for large workpieces.

    ■ Features the TOYODA STAT BEARING. ■ Features a highly accurate, low vibration bed with an X-shape rib structure. ■ Abundant range of options for large-sized workpieces processing.
    Distance between centers(mm) 1,600/2,500/3,200/4,000
    Max. grinding diameter(mm) φ550
    Grinding wheel O.D.(mm) φ610[φ760]
    Wheel surface speed(m/s) 30[45]
    Weight between centers(kg) 500[1,000]
    [ ] shows optional specifications.

  • GL32Mi-35/63 CBN camshaft main journal grinder
    ■ Features the TOYODA STAT BEARING. ■ Abundant functions achieving high accuracy grinding. ■ The smallest machine width, improving line productivity.
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    Cylindrical grinder for cam and crankshafts with high productivity and versatility of multi-step grinding.

    ■ Features the TOYODA STAT BEARING. ■ Abundant functions achieving high accuracy grinding. ■ The smallest machine width, improving line productivity.
      GL32Mi-35 GL32Mi-63
    Distance between centers(mm) 350 630
    Grinding diameter(mm) φ10~φ150
    Grinding wheel O.D.(mm) φ350[φ430]
    Wheel surface speed(m/s) 120[80]
    [ ] shows optional specifications.

  • GC20Mi-35/63 CBN camshaft rod journal grinder
    ■ High accuracy ■ Increasing in productivity ■ Reassuring operation
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    The latest camshaft grinder with linear motor drive.

    ■ High accuracy
     · High accuracy grinding assuring a high quality surface grinding.
     · High-rigidity bed reduces thermal d📖isplacement and improves chattering accuracy.

    ■ Increasing in productivity
     · Achieving high-speed grinding of difficult-to-cut material.
     · Re𝕴duction of🌃 changeover time.

    ■ Reassuring operation
     · Improved reliability with TOYOPUC-GC70.
    &nb🅰sp;· Simplification of wheel replacement.

      GC20Mi-35 GC20Mi-63
    Distance between centers(mm) 350 630
    Grinding diameter(mm) φ10~φ300
    Grinding wheel O.D.(mm) φ350[φ100][φ150]
    Wheel surface speed(m/s) φ350Wheel: 120[80]  [φ100Wheel: 60]  [φ150Wheel: 80] 
    [ ] shows optional specifications.

  • GC20Ri-63 CBN camshaft grinder
    ■ High accuracy ■ Improvement of productivity ■ Reassuring operation
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    CBN camshaft combination grinder that enables efficiency operation of equipment.

    ■ High accuracy
     · High accuracy grinding assuring a high quality surface grinding.
     · 3-point support bed.
     · Heat isolation cover.

    ■ Improvement of productivity
     · Achieving high speed grinding.
     · Achieving high efficiency grinding by DD wheel spindle.
    &🌠nbsp;· H💫igh output wheel spindle for wheel with small diameter.

    ■ Reassuring operation
     · Improved reliability ܫwith TOYOPUC-GC70.

    Distance between centers(mm) 630
    Max. grinding diameter(mm) φ300
    Grinding wheel O.D.(mm) φ120
    Wheel surface speed(m/s) 80

  • GC32M-63/120 CBN camshaft rod journal grinder
    ■ Features the TOYODA STAT BEARING. ■ Abundant functions achieving high accuracy grinding. ■ The smallest machine width, improving line productivity.
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    Camshaft grinder with linear drive and high output wheel spindle makes high speed and high accuracy cam grinding possible.

    ■ Features the TOYODA STAT BEARING. ■ Abundant functions achieving high accuracy grinding. ■ The smallest machine width, improving line productivity.
    Distance between centers(mm) 630/1,200
    Max. grinding diameter(mm) φ300
    Grinding wheel O.D.(mm) φ350
    Wheel surface speed(m/s) 160[80/200]
    [ ] shows optional specifications.

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