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  • Bearing for jet engine shaft
    ·The bearing for the shaft of the jet engine is the most important machine part located at the heart of the aircraft. ·It features not only high reliability but also a mechanism for avoiding breakage, and the production process is strictly controlled.
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  • Bearing for jet engine auxiliary machine

    ·The JTEKT's bearing is used at various parts besides the jet engine shaft and gear box. ·The bearing for auxiliary machines of the jet engine is also provided with high reliability, similarly to the shaft bearing.

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  • Bearing for fuselage of aircraft

    ·It is used at any part such as the main wing, aileron, operation system and brake control system. ·Our bearing is authenticated at 5 Series Model 56 as a reliable bearing for fuselage satisfying the aircraft standard.

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  • Bearing for helicopter transmission
    ·Because the blade of the helicopter rotates at high speeds, the transmission supports a large load. ·We provide bearings compatible with under-race lubrication that enables operation for an extended period of time even after oil supply is stopped.
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  • Bearing for helicopter swash plate
    Because the main rotor shaft penetrates the inside of the bearing and therefore the diameter is increased, an ultra-thin-wall bearing is adopted at the swash plate section so that the weight is reduced.
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