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Bearings for differential
  • Low friction-torque 3rd-generation (LFT-III) tapere𒀰d roller bear✤ing
    The torque loss is substantially reduced through reduction of the lubricant agitation resistance and optimization of the bearing characteristics.
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    Compact & Lightweight, Low-torque, High-capacity & High-durability.

    JTEKT's TRBs support enhancement of vehicle's environmental performance.

    In automobile axles, various stresses are caused by acceleration, deceleration, and cornering forces in a complex manner from all directions.
    They're truly a key mechanical part of every vehicle. In response to the demand for ever more advanced bearings that support drive pinions, JTEKT goes one step beyond making proposals. Every elemental technology imaginable is rethought from scratch to ensure products with unequalled levels of low friction loss and high capacity.

    Tapered roller bearings for axle drive pinions

    Drive pinion bearings support the drive pinion gear shaft of the hypoid gear,
    which facilitates a 90 directional change of the driving force transmitted from the propeller shaft.
    This bearing is used in pairs to simultaneously ensure smooth rotation and the rigidity of gear meshing points.


    LFT technology(LFT=Low Friction Torque)


    The torque loss is substantially reduced through reduction of the lubricant agitation resistance and optimization of the bearing characteristics.

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