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Machining Centers
  • FH400J/FH500J horizontal spindle machining center
    ■ The smallest floor space in the same class. ■ Rapid feed rate 60m/min, tool change time (Chip to Chip) 2.4 sec. ■ Features roller bearing guide and long-time stable, highly rigid 3 point support bed.
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    The smallest and fastest in the same class.

    ■ The smallest floor space in the same class. ■ Rapid feed rate 60m/min, tool change time (Chip to Chip) 2.4 sec. ■ Features roller bearing guide and long-time stable, highly rigid 3 point support bed.
      FH400J FH500J
    Pallet size (mm) 400×400 500×500
    X-Axis Travel (mm) 600 730
    Y-Axis Travel (mm) 560 730
    Z-Axis Travel (mm) 630 850
    Rapid feedrate (m/min) 60 60
    Spindle rotation speed (min-1) 15,000
    Spindle nose shape BT#40
    Spindle drive motor(kW)
    short time/continous
    [ ] shows optional specification.

  • FH550SX horizontal spindle machining center
    ■ High rigid column with analysis technique. ■ High responsiveness by dual ballscrews drive on Y and Z axis. ■ Heavy cutting of iron and castings by high power spindle.
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    Premium model with the best cutting performance in the same class.

    ■ High rigid column with analysis technique. ■ High responsiveness by dual ballscrews drive on Y and Z axis. ■ Heavy cutting of iron and castings by high power spindle.
    Pallet sizes (mm) 550×550 [500×500]
    X-Axis Travel (mm) 750
    Y-Axis Travel (mm) 800
    Z-Axis Travel (mm) 850
    Rapid feedrate (m/min) 60
    Spindle rotation speed (min-1) 6,000[15,000][6,000]
    Spindle nose shape No.50
    Spindle drive motor(kW)
    short time/continous
    [ ] shows optional specifications.

  • FH630SX-i horizontal spindle machining center
    ■ The largest work range in the class. ■ The highest cutting performance in the class. ■ The best spindle accessibility in the class. ■ The fastest rapid feedrate and ATC time in the class.
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    Larger, stronger and higher precision.

    ■ The largest work range in the class. ■ The highest cutting performance in the class. ■ The best spindle accessibility in the class. ■ The fastest rapid feedrate and ATC time in the class. ■ Platform with low thermal displacement. ■ Considerate design for ease of use. ■ 14% reduction of power consumption.
    Pallet size (mm) 630
    X-Axis Travel (mm) 1,050
    Y-Axis Travel (mm) 900
    Z-Axis Travel (mm) 1,050
    Rapid feedrate (m/min) 60
    Spindle rotation speed (min-1) 6,000[15,000][6,000]
    Spindle nose shape No.50
    Spindle drive motor (kW)
    short time/continous
    [ ] shows optional specifications.

  • FH800SX-i horizontal spindle machining center
    ■ Significantly improved workability and accessibility of work pieces. ■ Top level performance of "Size", "Speed" and "Strength" in the class. ■ Great processing of chips in center trough.
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    Top level performance in machining large-size parts of every industry.

    ■ Significantly improved workability and accessibility of work pieces. ■ Top level performance of "Size", "Speed" and "Strength" in the class. ■ Great processing of chips in center trough.
    Pallet size (mm)
    X-Axis Travel (mm) 1,450
    Y-Axis Travel (mm) 1,250
    Z-Axis Travel (mm) 1,550
    Rapid feedrate (m/min) 54
    Spindle rotation speed (min-1) 6000[8,000][15,000]
    Spindle nose shape BT No.50
    Spindle drive motor (kW)
    short time/continous
    [ ] shows optional specifications.

  • FA800S/FA1050S horizon♊tal spindle machining center
    ■ Rigid bed and square slides for heavy cutting. ■ Standard specification can be equipped with long tools for larger workpiece. ■ Powerful spindle for heavy cutting of iron and castings.
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    Biggest and fastest in the same class.

    ■ Rigid bed and square slides for heavy cutting. ■ Standard specification can be equipped with long tools for larger workpiece. ■ Powerful spindle for heavy cutting of iron and castings.
      FA800S FA1050S
    Pallet sizes (mm) 800×800 1050×1050
    X-Axis Travel (mm) 1,350 1,600
    Y-Axis Travel (mm) 1,150 1,400
    Z-Axis Travel (mm) 1,150 1,150
    Rapid feedrate (m/min) 24
    Spindle rotation speed (min-1) 6000[6,000 (gear)][15,000]
    Spindle nose shape BT#50
    Spindle drive motor (kW)
    short time/continous
    [ ] shows optional specifications.

  • FH1000SX/FH1250SX/FH1250SW hoജrizontal spindle machining cen🅷ter
    ■ Biggest workpiece range and stroke in the same class. ■ Rapid feedrate and tool change time as great as small machines. ■ High torque spindle for heavy cutting of difficult-to-cut material.
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    Biggest and fastest in the same class.

    ■ Biggest workpiece range and stroke in the same class. ■ Rapid feedrate and tool change time as great as small machines. ■ High torque spindle for heavy cutting of difficult-to-cut material.
      FH1000SX FH1250SX FH1250SW
    Pallet dimensions (mm) 800×800[800×1,000] 1,250×1,250[ 1,250×1,600] 1,250×1,250[ 1,250×1,600]
    X-Axis Travel (mm) 1,600 2,200 2,200
    Y-Axis Travel (mm) 1,400 1,600 1,500
    Z-Axis Travel (mm) 1,850 1,850 1,850
    W-Axis Travel (mm) - - 550
    Rapid feedrate (m/min) 54 42 32(X,Y), 42(Z), 5(W)
    Spindle rotation speed (min-1) 6,000[6,000][15,000] 3,000
    Spindle nose shape BT No.50
    Spindle drive motor (kW)
    short time/continous
    30/22[37/30][30/25] 45/37
    [ ] shows optional specifications.

  • FH1600SW5i horizontal spindle machining center
    ■ The biggest workpiece size in the same class. ■ Better cutting capacity than any other competing products. ■ Excellent operability and maintainability.
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    Biggest workpiece size in the same class.

    ■ The biggest workpiece size in the same class. ■ Better cutting capacity than any other competing products. ■ Excellent operability and maintainability.
    Pallet size (mm) 1,600x1,250
    X-Axis Travel (mm) 3,000
    Y-Axis Travel (mm) 1,900
    Z-Axis Travel (mm) 2,100
    W-Axis Travel (mm) 750
    Rapid feedrate (m/min) 35(X),40(Y,Z),20(W)
    Spindle rotation speed (min-1) 10~4,000
    Spindle nose shape BT No.50
    Spindle drive motor (kW)
    short time/continous

  • GS300H(e500H-GS) gear skiving center
    ■ Improves productivity through high peripheral speed machining. ■ Drastically reduces maching cost, equipment cost and equipment space. ■ Simple programming by using the newly developed TOYOPUC-MC70.
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    Integrates gear cutting processes into one machining center.

    ■ Improves productivity through high peripheral speed machining. ■ Drastically reduces maching cost, equipment cost and equipment space. ■ Simple programming by using the newly developed TOYOPUC-MC70.
    Table (working plane) size (mm) 500
    X-Axis Travel (mm) 730
    Y-Axis Travel (mm) 650
    Z-Axis Travel (mm) 850
    Rapid feedrate (m/min) 60
    Spindle rotation speed (min-1) 12,000 6,000
    Spindle nose shape BT No.40 BT No.50
    Spindle drive motor (kW)
    15.8/13 30/20

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